龍虎(lóng hǔ)
1. 他們倆就像是英文龍虎相爭,永遠也無法達成一致。
They are like two dragons and tigers fighting, they can never reach an agreement.
2. 這部電影展現了兩個完全不同的角色,一個是勇敢堅毅的,一個是機智狡詐的特工,真是龍虎相爭。
This movie showcases two completely different characters, one is a brave and resolute soldier, the other is a cunning and sly spy, it's truly a clash of dragons and tigers.
3. 這場比賽就像是龍虎對決,雙方都不肯讓步。
This game is like a battle between dragons and tigers, neither side is willing to give in.
4. 那個小伙子的性格就像是龍虎,既有勇氣又有智慧。
The young man's personality is like that of a dragon and tiger, he has both courage and wisdom.
5. 他們兩個人的關系就像是龍虎搏斗,時而合作時而對立。
Their relationship is like a fight between dragons and tigers, sometimes they cooperate, sometimes they oppose each other.
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